Speaking /Training Engagements

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To book Rita Schiano for your event, please use the Contact Us form. Public events are highlighted.


June 18: Training: Yarmouth Fire Department. South Yarmouth, MA

April 24: Commencement Speaker: Bay Path Regional Vocational School Adult Program. Charlton, MA

January 21: "Can Love Truly Liberate Us?" Brookfield Unitartian Universalist Church, 10:30 a.m. Brookfield, MA


November 2: Keynote Speaker: Massachusetts Administrators for Special Education, Worcester, MA

September 30: Speaker,"Living a Less Stressed, More Flourishing Life," 2:00 p.m. Sturbridge HerbFest, Sturbridge, MA

September 27: Northeastern University, Boston, MA Leadership Training.

May 20: Presenter: "The Healing Power of Forgiveness." 1`:00 p.m. Alternatives for Health, Sturbridge, MA

April 16: Speaker: "Finding Joy in Uncertain Times." First Parish Church, 10:00 a.m. Berlin, MA

April 12: Speaker: Massachusetts Assisted Living Association. Via Zoom

February 14-16: Quality Productivity Solution/OPTOS, Private Training. Marlborough, MA


December 12: Speaker,"Managing Stress Through the Holiday Season," 6:00 p.m. The ZONTA Club of Quaboag Valley. Via Zoom.

October 1: Speaker,"Living a Less Stressed, More Flourishing Life," 10: 45 a.m. HerbFest, Sturbridge, MA

September 26-28: Quality Productivity Solutions. Private Training. ZOOM

September 23: Guest Speaker: "The Importance of Female Friendships Among Women," Young Presidents Organization. Longmeadow, MA

September 12-15: Quality Productivity Solutions. Private Training. ZOOM

August 29-31: Quality Productivity Solutions. Private Training. ZOOM

August 23-25: Quality Productivity Solution/BWT Solutions. Private Training. Marlborough, MA

August 15-17: Quality Productivity Solutions. Private Training. ZOOM

July 27: Quality Productivity Solutions/Hollingsworth & Voss. Private Training. ZOOM

July 16: House Blessing Private Private Event, Hardwick, MA

July 8: The Center of Hope. Private Training.

June 7: Featured Speaker: "Leadership Lessons Learned from the Covid-19 Pandemic" 12:00 p.m. Chamber of Central Mass South, Sturbridge, MA

May 25: Guest Speaker: Southbridge Rotary Student Honors Luncheon, MA

May 16-18: Quality Productivity Solutions. Private Training. ZOOM

May 2-4: Quality Productivity Solutions. Private Training. ZOOM

April 28: Featured Speaker: Bay Path University.ZOOM

April 4-6: Quality Productivity Solutions. Private Training. ZOOM

March 18: Keynote Speaker: Massachusetts Administrators for Special Education, Worcester, MA

January 25-27: Quality Productivity Solutions. Private Training. ZOOM

January 4,5, 7: Quality Productivity Solutions. Private Training. ZOOM


December 17, 22,29: Jefferson Rubber Works. Private Training. ZOOM

December 13-15: Quality Productivity Solutions. Private Training. ZOOM

October 1: Featured Speaker,"Why MIndfulness Matters," Chamber of Commerce of Northwest Connecticut, Inc., Torrington, CT

September 12: Speaker: Managing Stress, Single Mothers By Choice - Boston, via ZOOM

March 10: Parents: Managing Stress During Covid, Burgess Elementary School, Sturbridge, ZOOM

March 2: Reading Across Ameerica, Burgess Elementary School, ZOOM

February 24: UPPAbaby. Private Training. ZOOM

February 22: UPPAbaby. Private Training. ZOOM


October 28: Quaboag Hills Chamber of Commerce. Via Zoom

September 4: Bay Path University Community Week: Wellness Presentation. Via Zoom

July 30: Private Training. Woman In Business Board of Directors. Sturbridge, MA.


December 5: Private Training. The Connection, Middletown, CT

November 20: Keynote Speaker. Association of Fundraising Professionals of Western Mass, Holyoke, MA.

November 12: Private Training. Discover Marble and Granite. Millbury, MA.

November 5: Private Training. Discover Marble and Granite. Millbury, MA.

October 22: Private Training. Discover Marble and Granite. Millbury, MA.

October 15: Private Training. Discover Marble and Granite. Millbury, MA.

October 8: Private Training. Discover Marble and Granite. Millbury, MA.

September 25: Private Training. Discover Marble and Granite. Millbury, MA.

September 18: Private Training. Discover Marble and Granite. Millbury, MA.

September 12: Guest Speaker: Managing Stress. The Mom's Club.. Sturbridge, MA.

September 11: Private Training. Discover Marble and Granite. Millbury, MA.

September 5: Private Training. Discover Marble and Granite. Millbury, MA.

May 16: Featured Speaker: "Living a Less Stressed, More Flourishing Life," 6:30 p.m. Hubbard Memorial Library, Ludlow, MA

May 14: Featured Speaker: "Managing Stress for Caregivers," 7:00 p.m. Dedham Special Education Parents Advisory Committee, Dedham, MA

May 10: Featured Speaker: "Managing Stress Through Resiiience," 10:00 a.m. Center for Living and Working, Worcester, MA

May 8: Featured Speaker: "Coaching / Mentoring for Success," 12:00 p.m. Woman In Business, Sturbridge, MA

May 1: Guest Speaker: Southbridge Rotary Student Honors Luncheon, Southbridge, MA

April 30: Featured Speaker: "Let's Talk About . . Your Top Parenting Struggles" 6:00 p.m. Brimfield Elementary School, Brimfield, MA

April 18: Featured Speaker: American Production and Inventory Control Society, West Boylston, MA

April 10: Featured Speaker: "Let's Talk About . . Your Top Parenting Concerns" 6:00 p.m. Burgess Elementary School, Sturbridge, MA

April 6: Private Training: Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester, MA

March 28: Private Training: Depuy Synthes, Bridgewater, MA

March 22: Plenary Session Speaker: Massachusetts Administrators for Special Education, Worcester, MA

March 21: Private Training: Depuy Synthes, Bridgewater, MA

March 14: Private Training: Depuy Synthes, Bridgewater, MA

March 13: Private Training: Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester, MA

March 11: Speaking Engagement: Quaboag Regional School District,  MA

March 7: Private Training: Depuy Synthes, Bridgewater, MA

February 28: Private Training: Depuy Synthes, Bridgewater, MA

February 7: Private Training: Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester, MA

January 8: Featured Guest: Tune in 9:04 a.m. National Broadcast Radio FM www.nbrfm.com/studio2


December 6: Private Training: Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester, MA

November 28: Moderator: "Business Planning & Structure Seminar" 6:00 p.m. Central Mass South Chamber of Commerce, Sturbridge, MA

November 27: Private Training: Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester, MA

November 7. Featured Speaker. Private Event. The AXiA Group. Springfield, MA

October 25: Featured Panelist: "Creative Careers" Nichols College, Dudley, MA

October 24: Featured Speaker: “Practices for a Positive Workplace.” 11:15 a.m., North East Quality Council (NEQC), Marlborough, MA TBA

October 23. Featured Speaker. Private Event. The AXiA Group. Springfield, MA

October 18: Keynote Speaker. Celebrate Self-Sufficiency 6th Annual Awards Luncheon. Dress For Success. Worcester, MA

September 18-19: Private Training. AHLSTROM-MUNKSJÖ. Windsor, CT

July 31: Featured Speaker: "The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People (Part 3 of 3-part Series)" 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m., Quaboag Referral  Group, Three Rivers, MA

June 26: Featured Speaker: "The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People (Part 2 of 3-part Series)" 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m., Quaboag Referral Group, Three Rivers, MA

June 21: Featured Speaker: “Effective Business Writing.” American Society of Quality (ASQ), Oxford, MA 5:45 p.m.

June 19: Change Your Habitudes 2.0, 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., Sturbridge, MA (For more information)

June 12-13: Private Leadership Training: Quinsigamond Community College, Worcester, MA

May 29: Featured Speaker: "The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People (Part 1 of 3-part Series)" 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m., Quaboag Referral Group, Three Rivers, MA

May 22: Featured Speaker: "Is Stress Getting the Best of You?" 12:00 p.m. Chamber of Central Mass South, Sturbridge, MA

May 19: Private Leadership Training: Phi Theta Kappa - New England Regional Alumni Association, Worcester, MA

April 10: Change Your Habitudes 2.0, 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., Sturbridge, MA (For more information)

March 31: Managing Stress Through Resilience, Lesley University, Graduate Student Association, Cambridge, MA.

March 23: Empowering Women Leaders, National Grid, Waltham, MA.

March 17: Inspiring Tomorrow's Leaders, Project 351, Wilbraham, MA.


November 28: Private Training. Riley Power, Inc. Marlboro, MA

November 21: Private Training. Riley Power, Inc. Marlboro, MA

November 14: Private Training. Riley Power, Inc. Marlboro, MA

November 7: Private Training. Riley Power, Inc. Marlboro, MA

October 28: "Change Your Habitudes, Change Your Life" Workshop  REGISTER HERE Sturbridge, MA

October 27: Featured Speaker: "The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People (Part 3 of 3-part Series)" 7:15 a.m. - 8:30 a.m., Central Mass South Referral Group, Sturbridge, MA

October 20: Guest Speaker: Girl Scouts of Central and Western Massachusetts, Holyoke, MA.

October 13: Guest Speaker: American Association of University Women (AAUW) of Connecticut Fall Conference, Hartford, CT.  10:15 a.m.

September 22: Featured Speaker: "The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People (Part 2 of 3-part Series)" 7:15 a.m. - 8:30 a.m., Central Mass South Referral Group, Sturbridge, MA

September 19: Guest Speaker: Women's Information Network, Mechanics Hall, Worcester, MA 12:00 p.m.

September 13: Guest Speaker: New York Conference of Mayors, Saratoga Springs, NY 10:45 a.m.

September 6: Private Speaking Event. Worcester, MA

August 28: Keynote Speaker: Seekonk High School Professional Development, Seekonk, MA

August 25: Featured Speaker: "The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People (Part 1 of 3-part Series)" 7:15 a.m. - 8:30 a.m., Central Mass South Referral Group, Sturbridge, MA

July 11: Private Training. Visitation House, Worcester, MA

June 21: Private Speaking Event: OFS Fitel, Sturbridge, MA

June 10: "Change Your Habitudes, Change Your Life" Workshop  REGISTER HERE Sturbridge, MA

May 23: Private Speaking Event. Worcester, MA

May 14: Brookfield Unitartian Universalist Church, 10:30 a.m. Brookfield, MA

May 9: Featured Speaker: "Managing Stress for Caregivers," 7:00 p.m. Dedham Special Education Parents Advisory Committee, Dedham, MA

April 30: Featured Speaker: "Food Allergies: Managing the Stress and Anxiety" 12:00 p.m. Northeast Food Allergy Awareness Expo, Marlborough, MA

April 25: Featured Speaker: "How To Deal With Difficult Employees" 12:00 p.m. Chamber of Central Mass South, Sturbridge, MA

April 1: Master of Ceremony: Dancing With The Stars, Tri-Town Domestic Violence Task Force, 7:00 p.m. Sturbridge, MA

March 23: Featured Speaker: "Helping Your Kids Cope With Stress, Program for Parents" 6:30 p.m. Sturbridge, MA

March 22: Private Training. Visitation House, Worcester, MA

March 8: Private Speaking Event. Visitation House, Worcester, MA

March 1: Private Training. Visitation House, Worcester, MA

February 24: Featured Speaker: "Building A Successful Team (Even If You’re Self-Employed!)" 7:15 a.m. - 8:30 a.m., Community Business Associates, Sturbridge, MA

February 14: Featured Speaker: "Living A Less Stressed, More Flourishing Life," 7:00 p.m. Suffield Senior Center (Sponsored by Kent Memorial Library), Suffield, CT

February 2: Featured Speaker: "7 Steps to New Year's Resolution Success," 7:00 p.m. Tewksbury Public Library, Tewksbury, MA

January 8: Featured Speaker: "7 Steps to New Year's Resolution Success," 3:00 p.m. Townsend Public Library, Townsend, MA

January 3: Speaker: Dudley-Charlton Regional School,- Professional Development, Practices for a Positive Workplace, Dudley, MA


December 10: Featured Speaker: Family Leadership Training Institute, Marlborough, MA

November 14: Featured Speaker: "Living A Less Stressed, More Flourishing Life," 6:30 pm., Sunderland Public Library, Sunderland, MA

November 8: Speaker: Dudley-Charlton Regional School, "Managing Stress - Professional Development," Dudley, MA

October 31: Keynote Speaker: Massachusetts Administrators for Special Education, Worcester, MA 

October 19: Private Training. Veterans Inc. Worcester, MA

October 12: Featured Speaker: “Change Your Habitudes, Change Your Life.” Woman in Business, Sturbridge, MA 12:00 p.m.

October 8: Featured Speaker: "If Only There Were 25 Hours In A Day . . . ," 11:00 a.m. Holyoke Public Library, Holyoke, MA

October 7: Speaker: Dudley-Charlton Regional School,- Professional Development, Practices for a Positive Workplace, Dudley, MA

October 5: Private Training. Veterans Inc. Worcester, MA

September 28: Private Training. Veterans Inc. Worcester, MA

September 24: Master of Ceremony: Dancing With The Stars, Tri-Town Domestic Violence Task Force, 7:00 p.m. Sturbridge, MA

September 21: Private Training. Veterans Inc. Worcester, MA

September 15: Featured Speaker: “Hone Your Soft Skills . . . Enhance Your Career.” American Society of Quality, Worcester, MA 7:00 p.m.

September 14: Private Training. Veterans Inc. Worcester, MA

September 7: Private Training. Veterans Inc. Worcester, MA

August 31: Private Training. Veterans Inc. Worcester, MA

August 8: Featured Speaker: "Living A Less Stressed, More Flourishing Life," 7:00 pm. East Longmeadow Public Library, East Longmeadow, MA

July 28: Presenter: Study Skills Workshop for Academic Success. 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m, Hitchcock Academy, Brimfield, MA

July 22: Featured Speaker: "Living A Less Stressed, More Flourishing Life," 2:00 p.m. West Springfield Public Library, West Springfield, MA

July 22: Featured Speaker: "If Only There Were 25 Hours In A Day . . . , 7:15 a.m. - 8:30 a.m., Community Business Associates, Sturbridge, MA

July 19: Featured Speaker: "Living A Less Stressed, More Flourishing Life," 7:00 p.m. Townsend Public Library, Townsend, MA

July 14: Featured Speaker: "Resilience: The Key to Retirement Well-being." Brookdale Cushing Park, Framingham, MA 2:00 p.m.

June 28: Private Training. Worcester, MA

June 23: Featured Speaker: "Attitude Is Everything."  Brookdale Cushing Park, Framingham, MA 5:30 p.m.

June 22: Private Training. Worcester, MA

June 21: Private Training. Worcester, MA

June 20: Private Training. Worcester, MA

June 15: Private Training. Worcester, MA

June 13: Private Training. Worcester, MA

June 8: Private Training. Worcester, MA

June 6: Private Training. Worcester, MA

May 26: Featured Speaker: "Managing Stress." Brookdale Cushing Park, Framingham, MA 4:00 p.m.

May 21: Featured Speaker: Family Leadership Training Institute, Marlborough, MA

May 11: Speaker: Woman in Business Expo, "Resilience: The Key to Retirement Well-being," 6:00 p.m. Oliver Wight Tavern at Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA

April 30: Featured Speaker: "Living A Less Stressed, More Flourishing Life," 10:00 a.m. Holyoke Public Library, Holyoke, MA

April 29: Presenter: Bay Path Regional High School, Professional Development Program, Charlton, MA.

April 14: Speaker: 7th Annual Worcester Women's Leadership Conference, Worcester, MA

April 2: Featured Speaker: "Living A Less Stressed, More Flourishing Life"  Corrective Chiropractic Client Appreciation, Bolton, MA

March 31: Presenter: Falmouth Academy, "Managing Stress Through Resilience, Program For Students" and "Helping Your Kids Cope With Stress, Program for Parents" Falmouth, MA

March 24: Presenter: Embracing Change: Rewiring for Resilience" Empowering Women in Business Conference, 2016 (Nichols College)

March 3: "Wellness Works" Health and Wellness Fair, Shepherd Hill Regional High School, 68 Dudley-Oxford Road. 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Dudley, MA

February 24: Featured Speaker: "Living A Less Stressed, More Flourishing Life," Lunenburg Public Library. 7:00 p.m., Lunenburg, MA

February 24: Presenter: Berkshire Family And Individual Resources, 12:30 p.m.,North Adams, MA

February 17: Featured Speaker: "Wellness: The Mind-Body Connection", OFS, Sturbridge, MA.

February 4: Featured Speaker: Notre Dame Health Care Systems, Worcester, MA

February 3: Presenter: Change Your Habitudes, Change Your Life. 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m, Hitchcock Academy, Brimfield, MA

January 31: Brookfield Unitartian Universalist Church, 10:30 a.m. Brookfield, MA

January 27: Speaker: "Managing Stress" Whitney Place Assisted Living Residences, Natick MA 2:00 p.m.

January 22: Presenter: Success -- What's Holding You Back?, 7:15 a.m. - 8:30 a.m., Community Business Associates, Sturbridge, MA


December 14: Charlton Elementary School (Professional Development), Charlton, MA

December 9: EMCEE: Woman in Business Holiday Party and 30th Anniversary Celebration, Sturbridge, MA

December 8: Presenter: Dress For Success, Professional Women's Group, Worcester, MA

November 17: "Wellness Works" Health and Wellness Fair, Shepherd Hill Regional High School, 68 Dudley-Oxford Road. 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Dudley, MA

November 5: Presenter: Breaking Those Stressful Habitudes. 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m, Hitchcock Academy, Brimfield, MA

October 27: Presenter: Berkshire Family And Individual Resources, North Adams, MA